Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Money Trauma

 Last month I did a Live coaching and clearing in my free group Become Your Own Best friend  about Money trauma! If you haven't watched it yet go do it asap! So many are having breakthroughs from just the little bit I shared! Seriously love what I do!

During the video I shared how anytime we were told No to something and we blamed money for not having it, we are pushing money away in our current reality no matter how much consciously we desire it and how important it is to heal past money blaming and trauma. One of my money traumas I mentioned was a "popular shoe" in Junior High that I wanted but couldn't get.
So what did I do after the video and after healing my money trauma around this memory, I choose to get the pair I have wanted for years and I am freaking LOVING them!!!! Here are some pictures
took for me 🙂

Image may contain: 4 people, including Aimee Worsley Jensen, people smiling, people standing

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