Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Now trust body with food

 I grew up hating my body and fearing food and what my body would do with it my entire life all the way up to 240+lbs and it did me absolutely no good. I want everyone to have the freedom I do, knowing you can still have what you desire at your ideal weight and actually enjoy life! 🙂

I now trust my body with food and she and I are best friends!
Make sure to check out the coaching videos in the file section of my FREE group if you haven't already! Its a goldmine of information and healing once you implement it!
"Aimee is a genius! Her energy and gifts will transform your life! I literally tell everyone I know to follow her!"
"Aimee is a genius I am continuing to release weight (almost 14 now in less than two months) I have not gained any back even though I have had a servicing of ice cream and a bean burrito this week. Before doing her method I would gain a few pounds back any time I ate extra carbohydrates or anything with sugar. I have stopped feeling guilty, tapping when I'm stressed and thanking my body every day. So thankful 🙏"

Image may contain: Aimee Worsley Jensen, smiling, dessert, food and closeup

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