Thursday, September 19, 2019

Personal bracelets

 When I started my healing journey I got 2 bracelets made for myself. "I am enough" and "She believed she could so she did".

I love love love seeing these on my wrist as a daily reminder and today I added another because I LOVE the meaning behind it!
Unfuckwithable: when you're truly at peace and in touch with yourself, and nothing anyone says or does bothers you, and no negativity or drama can touch you.
Such a powerful reminder to myself as I continue healing, to keep being me and let others judgements be a them issue not a me issue. That I am safe to be me and that is enough! I am safe to call back my power and live my life the way I desire without worrying about the judgements of others.
Living this way is so dang freeing. I encourage all of you reading this to know you are enough and to know you are safe being you even if others have an issue with it. Be at peace with yourself! Be Unfuckwithable!

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