Thursday, October 3, 2019

20 lbs more but pants loose!?

 Come join me in my free group Become Your Own Best friend where tomorrow I am going live to share how the same pair of pants in Dec2018(left) that I could barely zip at 130lbs were loose just months later weighing at 150lbs(right-May 2019) and how since then, I have even gone down another size of jeans!

When I shared this experience in my August challenge group it shocked people to know that the picture on the right was 20lbs up from the left even though the same pants were looser. The reason behind it is even more shocking as I had NO idea about it until it happend to me! I will explain exactly why I gained the weight and how I released it and its a must because mental, emotional and spiritual weight is real and must be worked through! Image may contain: 2 people, including Aimee Worsley Jensen, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

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