Saturday, October 5, 2019

20lbs difference because of traumaversary!

Yesterday morning I went live in my group
Become Your Own Best friend
to share why and how there was a 20lb difference in the pictures I shared a few days ago even though I went down another size in clothing. I also coached on the importance of deep love for your body, thanking your body, fat cells, organs and how beliefs around safety, thighs, sex, etc can trigger weight for protection (as well as traumaversaries)! I shared some personal stories on how that happend to me and how even a tv show recently triggered me to put on weight for protection and peoples comments on my thighs! I emphasized the importance of taking back our power from others and the scale because there is such thing as emotional, mental and spiritual weight! I also shared some fun facts and insights on why the thighs hold onto weight and fat and why organs have fat around them!
Bodies are freaking amazing and thank you so much
for listening to my excitement about it day in and day out!
Here are just a few of the comments/feedback from yesterdays live!
"Oh my gosh the fat around the thighs makes so much sense! Wow Aimee this is amazing! Thank you for your generosity in sharing your personal stories with the body"
"I have not heard this stuff anywhere. You are so blessed to have such gifts and I am grateful to know you and be able to listen to your words!"
"Thank you for lifting me up today"
"This is fascinating!"
"I really enjoyed this video, so many things came up to me that I would never have guessed would plague me. Thank you for being raw and real!"
"Thanks for all you do in freebies..pooping one was a game changer for me"
"I can't believe I never considered weight gain was something new. I've always thought of "gaining it back". But you're right, how would it be the exact same weight. 🤦‍♀️ #ahamoment"
"I cannot thank you enough for doing all that you do- these are tools that every woman should have-so many of us are weighed down by the tons of unwanted baggage that we needn't carry!!"
"I just finished watching your video thighs and so much of what I go though finally makes sense!"
Go check out the video from yesterday, the pooping one from last week, and the money one from last month, if you haven't yet! They are powerful and changing lives!

Image may contain: Aimee Worsley Jensen, closeup

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