Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hug your body!

 When was the last time (if ever) that you thanked your body for all it has done for you? Hugged your body and told your body you love him/her? Expressed genuine gratitude?

I used to ignore my body. I wouldn't look in mirrors, resisted even showering often in order to not see or feel myself and got dressed as fast as I could because of the disgust I felt towards my body. I blamed her for all my problems and no matter how much I deprived myself and punished myself by trying to make myself look better, I only packed on more weight and hated myself and my body more.
When I actually started talking with my body and healing our relationship, I found she was holding so much grief. I felt, saw and heard how much she truly loved me and was only holding/putting on weight to protect me from my deep fears and comforting me from my traumas like a weighted blanket. While I was living in emotional, mental and physical pain, blaming/hating/shaming my body, my body was also living in torment and feeling pain herself. What I failed to see until that moment, was that my joints were also crying out with the hurt and heaviness they carried, my lungs crying for space to breathe and so much more, and yet I had been constantly criticizing every part of my body.
No matter what size you are, even if you have never had a weight or health problem, please thank your body today.
Give your body a hug right now and express how grateful you are for all it has done and carried for you! The heartache it has felt with you, pressure/weight, your legs for holding up your body, your arms, your neck, your heart, your sexual organs, your bladder, your lungs, your digestive system, your skin, etc. Every part of you is freaking fantastic and it would love to be recognized for what it has done, no matter how much you are stuck in the blaming cycle right now. What part of your body is screaming at you to be acknowledged?
***I would love to hear how you feel after hugging and expressing love and gratitude to your body!***
The bodies are crying out to be accepted and loved, demanding your attention and they are sadly being ignored and suppressed. Your body loves you! It is NOT failing you even if you have felt otherwise until now. If you feel the pain and hurt, your body is feeling it too. Find something today to thank your body for!
If you aren't in my free group yet, get in it!
It is never to late to start healing your relationship with your body so you can go from surviving to thriving!

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

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