Monday, December 23, 2019

Dear Dove chocolate,

 Dear Dove,

While I love the taste of your chocolate, I strongly dislike these little messages. For years I believed this but I now see them as very dangerous.
"Chocolate brings joy"
"Find comfort and joy in chocolate"
Let me explain......
Through trauma, abuse, miscarriages, loss, stress, etc. I looked for comfort and anything to numb/ease my pain. I searched for anything that could help and with messages like these, naturally my subconscious programming pulled me to chocolate without my conscious awareness of how mindless I really was around it. You see, food was my drug of choice. When I needed comfort, needed to suppress my pain, needed to numb, needed to disconnect, needed to punish myself, I turned to food. Chocolate specifically.
So while I totally get how true these little messages might feel, (because for those moments the chocolate was in my mouth I felt "comforted" and I felt that "joy"), after working on true healing, I found it was all a lie. I found the truth. Chocolate (or any food I choose to use in the moment), was just food. It only helped to temporarily numb and suppress the pain I was feeling emotionally, mentally, spiritually and then physically. After the "hit" wore off I still was scared, hurt, stressed, sad, etc. Food never brought me what I was searching for: happiness, peace, love, and it definitely never brought me true joy and comfort.
All the chocolate in the world can not do what these little messages say. It might numb you for a bit, and if you are like how I was, it might even bring you pain from overeating to distract you from the deeper pain, but it will not love you back, it will not protect you or make you feel safe, and it will not bring you joy and comfort.
The longer we spread these messages that chocolate (or any food/beverage/activity) will bring us joy and comfort, the longer we hurt. The more we suppress and numb, the more health issues we will then have which just leads to more pain, sorrow and loss.
It is time for people to be mindful of why they turn to food, and what they are using food for. It is time for people to heal and take back their power knowing food can't give them what they desire!
To everyone reading this.....obviously Dove knows this, as there is a reason for adding these messages to your chocolate. They want people to continue buying their products to "comfort" them. It is time to empower yourself!
I will be going deeper into this LIVE in my group

Image may contain: Aimee Worsley Jensen, indoor and food

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