Sunday, December 29, 2019

Fatty tumors GONE!

 Messages like this one that I got last week, is why I am so passionate about what I do. I was in tears as I read it to Josh. She has had fatty tumors for 8 years, told it was medially impossible without surgery to remove them, and now they are disappearing once she started talking to her thighs!!

Seriously LOVE THIS!!!!
*When I read through the message again, I let her know that her body in fact did release resistant fat like she wanted (the fatty tumors) and to remember to thank her body so that she will release fat/weight from other places soon
Are you ready to join me yet and heal your relationship with your body?

Image may contain: text that says '10:56 89% 10:26AM I've been working alking body gratitude couple Ihaven't lost weight, tumors onmy Doctors Surgery remove hem. conscious weeks. years internet) have way abuse and them. even EMDR very been specifically talking traumas, those tumors Your isappeari betrayal connection together expected tumor budge. medically impossible" was hoping maybe resistant would release. Thank GOODNESS amazing!!! freaking amazing sharing this with working priority Please keep release theody other things excited updated! you! Iwill! II'

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