Friday, December 13, 2019

Favorite chocolate?

 I love when the weather gets colder because I can order in bulk my favorite chocolate and it doesn't melt in the 100+ degree weather!! Recently I have been loving Reese's Fast breaks and chocolate covered almonds!

What is your favorite chocolate?
Yesterday, as I was carrying a handful to the pantry to put them up, I remembered just 2 years ago when I would have felt so much guilt and shame for even buying them. I didn't trust myself not to eat all of them and I wouldn't have shared. I would have hid them for myself, to use as my choice of drug to numb and suppress. Then I would have restricted and deprived myself after and punished myself more because it went against all the diets and programs I was on.
I look at how far I have come not only with my body but with my mindset and how freeing it all has been with healing my relationship with food and my body. My only wish/regret, was not figuring it all out sooner!
If you aren't in my free group yet, get in it!
It is never to late to start healing your relationship with food and your body so you can go from surviving to thriving!

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor

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