Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Change your rules, Change your life!

 For 29+ years I followed rules. Others rules.

Rules about relationships, business/money, food, weight, my body, etc.
I followed these rules to fit in/ blend in with the tribe, and to not get in trouble. I was told these rules would keep me happy and safe but I was scared, miserable and suffering.
Until one day, I refused to listen to the generational and societal rules that were only holding me back and decided from then on, I make my own rules.
Because of that one choice, my life is now thriving!
In 2017 I started to create new rules around food, weight, relationships, and my body.
*I released 100lbs in just 13 months with no dieting or exercise
*My health issues were no longer
*I was no longer afraid of food and what it would do to my body
In 2018 I created new rules around business/money.
*I created a business(2018) and created consistent $5k+ months, paid off all my student loans and the rest of our $40K in debt
In 2019 I created even more rules for everything in my life.
*I hit 6 figures in less than 10 months and even had 5 figure days
*I no longer fear lack/scarcity that controlled me for so long
*My body is smaller now than before children
*My relationships with myself, my husband, children and others, money, food, etc are healthy and thriving
In 2020 I am upgrading my rules for all aspects and would love to share them with you so you can upgrade with me!
Are you ready to make that one choice?
New rules like....
*Money comes to me EASILY everyday
*My body releases excess weight EASILY
*My body EASILY digests every food I choose to eat
*I am heard and respected in all of my relationships
Come join me in this masterclass as I show you how to delete the old rules from your body, cells and subconscious and make new rules to empower you to thrive in your life!

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