Thursday, January 30, 2020

Love what I do!

 I can't say this enough....I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do!

Yesterday in my mastermind group there were so many breakthroughs for everyone as I coached and did healings for almost 2 hours on making dreams reality, talking to your body, disconnecting from the "It takes time" belief, as well as a lot of coaching around how you can have your desires even if it benefits others who you dont want to benefit from them!
"Thank you today was awesome!"
"Aimee your personal story of why you put on weight for protection recently was chilling. I am so glad you are so open and give us a front seat to your continued breakthroughs! It gives me so much hope to never give up even when hard things happen and that this is all still possible! Thank you!"
"I got chills"
"Aimee! Your coaching on time and how others benefit from us getting to our goals were totally what has been blocking me from weight release and money. You are inspired! I have to go back and watch this again. I already took 10 pages of notes!"
"I just had to message you and let you know that live today was freaking awesome and everything that you went over for me was spot on as well as what came up for everyone else. I love being in this group because as you go 1:1 through everyone it always relates to me as well!"
"I’m going to put that into practice for sure"
If you want access to this video as well as everything else you get in the Mastermind, you can join at any time:

Image may contain: Aimee Worsley Jensen, smiling, night and closeup

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