Tuesday, February 4, 2020

I learned to trust

In 2019 I paid over 1K to get 10 min of coaching
they set a timer and asked me about my business and goals
they said a few things I could do, like ads and cold calling and cold messaging people, then the timer was up and it was over

No healing, no notes given, and the things that were said I was against doing anyway

I was so disappointed and confused because I assumed it would be like what I do in sessions especially for the cost I paid.

So a few months later I paid over $4k to join a live course about building a business since when I started mine I just did what I wanted, whatever sounded fun and whatever came to mind.

This course had no replays so I had a time limit to watch it and there was no healing involved but I had hoped it would give me good insight on what to do.

Partly into it was the same check list of stuff you can find on google.
The whole buy ads, cold message people and "go live this many times or else"

The thing I found interesting and then totally turned me off was the person then said "if you dont do this you will never have a 6 figure business"

That is when I stopped listening because I had ALREADY hit 6 figures doing it my way and not a thing like what they were teaching I "had" to do.

While I shamed myself for joining and spending that money, I decided to look at what good came from it. 

What I learned was the way I do things work, even if its different from what the "standard" is.

I also learned that I am WAY undervaluing what I do because I offer so much coaching and healing for what I charged and currently charge. AND people get the replays to courses and in depth session notes and get to continue healing after the session or course with me!

I also learned that my things empower people and dont leave them feeling crappy feeling they are doing nothing right!

I learned that I dont need to do what others say you have to in order to have success.

The biggest thing I learned was to trust myself. That listening to myself and what felt fun to do was the best for me. 

I hope this inspired anyone who chose to read this and you chose to trust yourself :)

Love, Aimee

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