Saturday, February 15, 2020

Release food rules

 The only thing I noticed when I saw these at the store was OREO popcorn. We had tried the TWIX one a few weeks before and it was freaking amazing so I knew this would be as well.

When we got home I noticed what the package said on the top, calories and sodium and I immediately remembered all the years I paid attention to all of it. Food labels ruled my life on what I would allow myself to eat and it tortured me if I already had my numbers plugged into my app for the day but still felt I was starving. And when I did eat over "my numbers allotted" I would hate myself and guilt and shame further! The mental and emotional weight of that was so heavy! I was miserable AND only kept gaining weight (240lbs+) and getting sicker even though I was doing "it all right".
After the important inner work and healing I have done and continue to do, today I have food freedom. I eat what I desire without the burden of the labels. I eat with zero fear, guilt or shame, I trust my body to digest it properly and no longer follow the food rules I was taught and believed for so long. That in itself helped me release the emotional and mental weight I was carrying for so long and therefore helped me manifest the physical weight release! (100lbs in just 13 months!)
Are you ready yet to start changing your relationship with your body and food???
Join my free group and get started with several coaching videos, journal prompts and tapping. My gift to you! 🙂

Image may contain: Aimee Worsley Jensen

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