Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Valentines Date

Went on a fun Valentines dinner date with Josh  last night to one of our favorite places, The Melting Pot, and it was of course so much fun.

We shared a yummy Blackberry Lemonade with Sage and enjoyed our delicious food experience in our private booth.

Image may contain: 2 people, drink and indoorImage may contain: 5 people, including Josh Jensen and Aimee Worsley Jensen, people smiling, table, food and indoor
My oldest daughter Mylee loved helping me put together my outfit for the date. Loved it!!!
Here are the links to everything from Amazon 🙂
*Black jacket (I have 6 other colors and LOVE them so much!)
*White lace top
*Light blue jeans
*Pink suede heels
Image may contain: Aimee Worsley Jensen, smiling, standing

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