Sunday, March 15, 2020

Your body has a message for you!

 Your body has a message for you!

Your body wants you to hear him/her and when you dont listen to your body and listen to others about what your body is capable of doing or not doing, it feels grief.
*Your body wants you to trust him/her
*Your body doesn't want you to think he/she is weak and can't protect you
*Your body wants you to know he/she is so freaking strong
*Your body wants you to know you can be prepared and not panic
*Your body wants you to know that if you choose to remain calm, that doesn't mean you need to carry shame of "not taking it seriously"
*Your body wants you to trust in your immune system and your bodies functions and organs
*Your body wants you to know you can disconnect from the mindset/pattern of "if everyone is getting sick I'm going to"
*Your body wants you to call back your power and choose health
*Your body wants you to declare a strong immune system
*Your body wants you to be thankful for all it is doing for you every day
*Your body wants you to release the heavy impending doom and anxiety
*Your body wants you to feel safe
Your body is amazing!
Your immune system is amazing!
Take a deep breathe with me and declare:
I am safe and protected!
I breathe out worry, fear and panic
I release lack of trust and impending doom
I choose now to trust and have faith in my body and my immune system
I trust that I have the ability to be healthy and strong even if others are getting sick around me
I trust my lungs are strong
I choose calmness and peace
Thank you so much body for all you have done and all you do for me!
I did a whole video around this in my group this past week and explained that when we panic and stress it lowers our physical defenses our immune system needs energy for. We dont need to be using that needed energy to fight a mental attack and we must breathe out fear and calm our nervous system so our immune system can remain strong.
If you want to watch the whole video, make sure to join 🙂

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

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