Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Wildly Wealthy Woman, Wife & Mom

I had worked so much on my relationships with money and had just released 100lbs when I decided to start my business. During the first year in business, when I noticed my weight go up, I would work on what my body was saying, heal and release it and move forward. This happened several times in the first year of my business, the more money I made, the more my body was showing conflict. It was amazing the things that were coming up around being a working woman, and what was “allowed” and how it was looked at by society!!! I had released weight and now I was making money- I couldn’t possibly have it all! Then of course even deeper was the Mom guilt and my “place as a wife and mother” because I had 5 children and I was making more than my husband ever made. I feared triggering insecurities in him and others because on a deeper subconscious level, I was going against “rules” about my sole job, which was a wife and mother and how dare I work and think I could do something else. These beliefs, the conflict , shame and the mommy guilt is so HEAVY and not worth holding onto!
It is time to step into your power as a Woman. It is safe to make a ton of money as a woman, wife and mom. It is safe to be thin and a successful mommy! You don’t have to choose which one-It Is safe to have it all!

Can your husband handle you being a powerful woman?
It might sound crazy but I held myself back big time because of the beliefs around what a Wife should or shouldn’t be doing and fear of how my husband would feel with me standing in my power and making tons of money, because it went against the patriarchal patterns of family, society and religion we had been taught and experienced.
Would they feel less than, trigger low self worth?
Would it intimidate them and they would not feel needed if it is 'their job' to make the money?
Would you feel shame and guilt for triggering these things in them?
Would they love you making money and encourage it which would then cause you to feel resentful because someone else would benefit from your hard work and you just want to be loved and accepted now, not when you are making money?
SO MUCH CONFLICT. It can be easier to just stay stuck and repel making money, even if you are desiring more!
I have been so honored to help other woman break free from this responsibility and all the “a wife should do this” crap I broke through, so they can thrive in their lives!!!
It is time to heal this and break these chains and release the heaviness that is holding you back!!!
It is safe to be a powerful and abundant wife!

It is safe to be a powerful and abundant mom!
*Do you feel guilt and shame for taking time away from your kids?
*For doing something you enjoy doing instead of “just being a Mom”?
If you feel negative emotions towards the fact that you are making money or desire to make money as a mom, you will repel doing so because you will repel the pleasure of receiving that money if it has judgement all over it!
Mom guilt is SO heavy!
As Moms we question ourselves all the time if we are doing the right thing and are always wondering what else we can do for our kids.
If we feel making money takes away from them, we will continue to push money away even when we desperately need it. If we desire to make money and feel we can’t because of kids, we can carry resentment which then just leads to impatience towards yourself and your household. It is time to heal that and balance this power struggle in your body and mind.
It is time to release it and thrive as a Mom!!

I wouldn't be where I am at today in business or my relationship with money if I hadn't worked on my deep and heavy beliefs around what a Woman, Wife and Mom are "allowed" to do, be and have!!!
I LOVE helping others heal these root issues holding them back

If you are ready to dive into what is blocking you from being a Wildly Wealthy & Abundant Woman, Wife & Mom, this is the program that will totally transform your money relationship and what you feel you are “allowed” to have and receive as a woman, wife and mother! PLUS heal and release the stress and weight your body has carried as guilt, shame and protection!

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