Sunday, July 5, 2020

$100k for 2020 before end of June!!!

I posted last week that I had crossed another huge milestone in my business, and my balloons finally came yesterday so
took these pictures for me to document!
Before June was over, my business passed $100k for 2020!
This is more than just money though, It is just a small representation of what I have accomplished from my work that I continue to do on myself and that I continue to show others what is possible.
It represents the hundreds of people worldwide I have been honored to help heal and guide them to thrive in their lives as well. Everything from healing their bodies, to their relationships with self, food, others and money.
I teach my clients all the time to not take on others heavy expectations or the heavy responsibility of how others will feel over their success. It is not worth it. And the past few months of me hiding my success and worrying about what others would think of me again, I was again feeling that heaviness not only in my mind but my body as well, as I found myself falling back into old patterns/habits.
I know posting success can trigger others because I used to be triggered big time by others who had what I wanted. But I also know that If I don't share out of fear, it wont show others who know there is more out there for them, to know more is in fact possible.
I encouraged in my IG/FB stories the other day and I encourage those that are reading this, to journal on any negative feelings you are feeling while reading this and in the end I hope you know, If I can accomplish all I have with my health, my body, my money, my relationships, etc after everything I have been through, that you can too 🙂

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