Tuesday, July 21, 2020

I see you and You are NOT broken

I see you and You are NOT broken

It is okay to fear and hide
It is okay to feel and cry
It is okay to not feel okay and take a break

When we feel that none of that is okay is when we suppress, numb and sabotage because of guilt and shame.
That is when we end up hurting more with self abuse and trust me, it is not worth it!

So feel and cry and hide for a bit if you need to

You are NOT going backwards
You are NOT weak or failing
You are just taking a break

You can still finish the race
You can still get to your destination
You can still win and have all you desire

Stop thinking that taking a break is the end
and that taking a break means you wont have what you desire

Because It is not over!
Keep going!
Take that break, rejuvenate and FLY!

You will get there
Trust and Believe in yourself

You can do it!
I believe in you!
You are strong!

Love, Aimee 

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