Thursday, July 30, 2020

It is NEVER permanent!

A few days ago, in my live coaching and healing for July in my mastermind group, I shared how I almost resisted posting my balloon pictures in May because I knew people would notice I had gained some weight. 

What would they say? That I was a fraud? That they didn't trust me anymore to help them in their weight release because I had gained some weight?  

Those alone were heavy thoughts and tons of pressure on me, but I had to give myself grace because I AM FREAKING HUMAN and I have to let myself be! 

The fascinating thing with what I know now though, is I knew exactly why I had chosen to gain the weight and my mastermind group got ALL the details as I shared with them exactly why and my thought process and then how I went about releasing it again. I also shared that I had taken videos to show how quickly over just a day my pants went from being to tight to button, to fitting and being loose after having a talk with my body and working through the things I needed too. 

I will share this part with you today....
In May marked a traumaversary. So as I was dealing with the triggers, I had also decided again that I did not want to deal with others comments on my body so I gained a little.

If you remember I did a live in my Facebook group last year on this exact same thing that happened last May as well. 

Anyways, I had decided to work through it again because I was giving my power away to what others thought and what they would say. I was not having strong boundaries with myself but I also wasn't ready to work through it. 

When I was ready to work through it I did and released it again, very quickly and easily. Like in a day!

Please know, it is never permanent. You can always change your mind and release it again.
Just because you gain weight doesn't mean you can't release it again.
**When you know this, it immediately releases so much expectation, heaviness and pressure you are holding on your sweet body!!

AND, remember your body is holding onto things to PROTECT you! Don't get mad at your body for loving you! Thank your body today for all he/she has done. Your body is truly amazing!

(Here is the picture, same pants on left were tight and could barely button,
then on the right, they fit and were loose)

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