Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Even if I fall, it doesn't mean I fail

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had taken the whole month of August off and said in that post that in the end, I had chosen to make it mean that just because I fell doesn't mean I failed. We are mostly through September now and as I look back, I am so grateful I chose to look at it that way.
If I had started this month thinking I was starting over at square one and that I had failed, I would have been miserable and definitely NOT in the right mindset. I probably would have wanted to quit a few days in, felt like "whats the use" and been in a really disempowering energy! That wouldn't have gotten me anywhere close to where I am today.
Instead as I watched my children swimming, jumping on the trampoline, and roller skating, I remembered that each and every one of them at one point couldn't do any of that! At one time in their lives, they couldn't hold their heads up, walk, talk, etc. They all practiced and fell, got up and practiced again until it became easier and easier and now they do it all with ease without thinking twice about it!
So, I showed up for myself just as if I had simply fallen and got right back up, like a child learning to walk or ride their bike. I cheered myself on and stopped making the fall mean something about me or my ability to continue.
We never tell a child learning to walk or ride a bike "Wow you just fell, why don't you just give up, you will never get this" but we do this all the time to ourselves! And it has got to stop!
Because I chose to look at it this way, I showed up in an empowering mindset for myself and others. I taught a Masterclass from this empowering energy and the testimonials continue to roll in with how much their lives have changed as well as other sessions done this month AND I achieved my weekly money goal within a few days, and my monthly goal in the first 2 weeks and there are still so many days left of the month!
If I had fallen, given up and stayed down, I definitely wouldn't have achieved what I did this month and it would have been a disservice to so many but mainly myself and my children who are watching me and learning.
Instead, I show my kids that we can have emotions, feel them, but not let them hold us back from what we desire. That we can get up and move forward even when things fell hard and can still have amazing things happen!
So, if you have fallen, remember you can get back up. You can encourage yourself like you would a child learning something new. It doesn't matter when you fell, you can always get back up!

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