Thursday, July 30, 2020


I was talking to a friend the other week and she mentioned how she never saw me posting about how I see curses and about how when I told her about a curse in her session, not only did it change everything but it validated something she knew had happened but just didn't know what.

In a group I used to be in, I was the go to person when people would say they felt cursed, people would refer people to me immediately when someone would ask if they knew anyone who could help them. 

I was known for being the girl who could undo a curse, hex, spell, weapons, contracts and any other black magik someone had on or towards them and how to protect further from it especially if the person was still sending it.

I ended up talking about it in my mastermind in 2018, in some courses when it came up, but still kept it quiet 99.9% of the time.

I stopped sharing publicly the more of a following I got because it meant more chance for rejection.
More people to think I was crazy and more people to judge me.

So I stopped talking about this stuff that I could hear and see and I have seen fascinating things within the body and energy!

Word curses, curses from self, curses from ancestors, industries and others, weapons, cords, hooks, contracts, oaths, abusers signatures and initials, and the list goes on and on and on.

Clearing these things have changed my life and the others I have done it for.
From pains and illnesses people have had, to scarcity and bad luck, lives have changed in an instant when these things are removed. 

I am amazing at what I do and it is time for me to own it
Even if people think I am crazy
Even if I am rejected
It is time for me to be known again on a larger scale as the go to person!


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