Sunday, January 3, 2021

Respect others choices and beliefs

This afternoon someone commented on my post to tell me I was now ugly on the inside because I used "the fifthly f word" and that my dirty language was a shameful assault on everyone.
My "dirty language" that made me ugly to her that she was referring to was from a post last month where I said what I have done is fucking amazing and that I was damn proud.
Honestly, my first reaction in my head was "what in the actual fuck?" because how in the hell does anyone think that from a word and then think it is okay to then comment and shame someone like that. Plus, what a miserable way to live if you take every post and word someone says personally and feel the need to call them out on how you don't like it because apparently the whole world revolves around you. And seriously, yuck to call someone ugly because they used a word you wouldn't use!
So my public service announcement for tonight is this and it is so freeing if you choose to do this:
If you see someone wear something, say something, do something you wouldn't personally do, simply DONT DO IT. You can still love someone and respect their choices just like I would think you want people to respect your choices. You can scroll on, and even unfollow, etc.
BUT, if you choose to shame someone and think you somehow have authority over them and think they are going to change because you dont like what they are doing, wearing or saying, if you choose to be abusive and try to shame them into submission, while claiming you are Christlike, you are kidding yourself. Honestly that is insanity and is NOT love or even a bit of kindness.
PS. If you are reading this and all you are doing is judging and feel like shaming me because I said fuck and somehow you are making that mean I am a bad person now or offended because my choice of words is somehow an attack on you ???? seriously remove yourself quietly, because there is no respect coming from your side of this relationship and I will not be in unhealthy/toxic relationships.
If you can have your religion, your beliefs, your political party, your choice of language, etc and want to be loved and respected regardless of your beliefs/choices, then fucking do the same towards others and their beliefs and choices.


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